About Us

Fee Structure +3 Arts

1 Admission fee 9 0 9 9
2 Tuition Fee For June 2017 to 2018 132 0 0 132
3 Building fund/ Furniture 200 200 200 200
4 Library Fee 50 50 50 50
5 P.B.F.June 2017 to may 2018 36 36 36 36
6 Abstract of attendance/ correspondence 70 70 70 70
7 Regd. Fee for new entrant 80 80 80 80
8 Semester & mid semester Examination fee 1000 1000 1000 1000
9 Calendar,Magazine & Library Catalogue 100 100 100 100
10 Recognition & Aff. For new entrant 10 10 10 10
11 Athlete fund 50 50 50 50
12 Sports fee 50 50 50 50
13 Dramatic Fund 20 20 20 20
14 Common Room fee 10 10 10 10
15 Students Aid Fund 50 50 50 50
16 D.S.A. 10 10 10 10
17 S.S.G. 10 10 10 10
18 Identity Card fee 60 60 60 60
19 Odia Sahitya Sansad 10 10 10 10
20 College union fee 50 50 50 50
21 Proctorial fee 10 10 10 10
22 Teachers welfare fund 50 50 50 50
23 Fee for time table 10 10 10 10
24 University Academic process fee 100 100 100 100
25 Students Safety Insurance 4 4 4 4
26 Field Development 50 50 50 50
27 Scout fee 12 12 12 12
28 Fee for Syllabus 50 50 50 50
29 Computation fee 30 30 30 30
30 Flag day fee 2 2 2 2
31 N.C.C. fee 10 10 10 10
32 General maintenance fee 50 50 50 50
33 College Garden maintenance fee 10 10 10 10
34 Electricity maintenance fee 100 100 100 100
35 Red Cross fee 10 10 10 10
36 Migration fee 0 0 0 20
37 CDC Fund 10 10 10 10
38 Celebration/ Observation of important days 100 100 100 100
39 NSS Fee 10 10 10 10
40 College Development fund 2600 1300 2600 2600
41 Honours Admission fee 500 500 500 500
42 Seminar fee 230 230 230 230
TOTAL 5955 4514 5823 5975

Fee Structure +3 Science

1 Admission fee 10 10 10 10
2 Tuition Fee For June 2017 to 2018 144 0 0 144
3 Building fund/ Furniture 200 200 200 200
4 Library fee 50 50 50 50
5 P.B.F.June 2017 to may 2018 36 36 36 36
6 Abstract of attendance/ correspondence 70 70 70 70
7 Regd. Fee for new entrant 80 80 80 80
8 Semester & mid Semester Examination fee 1000 1000 1000 1000
9 Calendar,Magazine & Library Catalogue 100 100 100 100
10 Recognition & Aff. For new entrant 10 10 10 10
11 Athlete fund 50 50 50 50
12 Sports fee 50 50 50 50
13 Dramatic Fund 20 20 20 20
14 Common Room fee 10 10 10 10
15 Students Aid Fund 50 50 50 50
16 D.S.A. 10 10 10 10
17 S.S.G. 10 10 10 10
18 Identity Card fee 60 60 60 60
19 Lab.Fee for practical subject 500 500 500 500
20 Lab.Caution mony 100 100 100 100
21 Sciency Cociety/ Science Exhibition 50 50 50 50
22 Odia Sahitya Sansad 10 10 10 10
23 College union fee 50 50 50 50
24 Proctorial fee 10 10 10 10
25 Teachers welfare fund 50 50 50 50
26 Fee for time table 10 10 10 10
27 University Academic process fee 100 100 100 100
28 Students Safety Insurance 4 4 4 4
29 Field Development 50 50 50 50
30 scout fee 12 12 12 12
31 Fee for Syllabus 50 50 50 50
32 Computation fee 30 30 30 30
33 Flag day fee 2 2 2 2
34 N.C.C.Fee 10 10 10 10
35 General maintenance fee 50 50 50 50
36 College Garden maintenance fee 10 10 10 10
37 Electricity maintenance fee 100 100 100 100
38 Red Cross fee 10 10 10 10
39 CDC Fund 10 10 10 10
40 NSS Fee 10 10 10 10
41 Migration fee 0 0 0 20
42 Celebration/ Observation of important days 100 100 100 100
43 College Development fund 3600 1800 3600 3600
44 Honours Admission fee 600 600 600 600
45 Seminar Fee 330 330 330 330
TOTAL 7818 5874 7674 7838

Fee Structure +3 Commerce

1 Building fund/ Furniture 200 200 200 200
2 Library Fee 50 50 50 50
3 P.B.F.June 2017 to may 2018 36 36 36 36
4 Abstract of attendance/ correspondence 70 70 70 70
5 Regd. Fee for new entrant 80 80 80 80
6 Semester & mid Semester Examination fee 1000 1000 1000 1000
7 Calendar,Magazine & Library Catalogue 100 100 100 100
8 Recognition & Aff. For new entrant 10 10 10 10
9 Athlete fund 50 50 50 50
10 Sports fee 50 50 50 50
11 Dramatic Fund 20 20 20 20
12 Common Room fee 10 10 10 10
13 Students Aid Fund 50 50 50 50
14 D.S.A. 10 10 10 10
15 S.S.G. 10 10 10 10
16 Commerce socity 50 50 50 50
17 Identity Card fee 60 60 60 60
18 Odia Sahitya Sansad 10 10 10 10
19 College union fee 50 50 50 50
20 Proctorial fee 10 10 10 10
21 Teachers welfare fund 50 50 50 50
22 Fee for time table 10 10 10 10
23 University Academic process fee 100 100 100 100
24 Students Safety Insurance 4 4 4 4
25 Field Development 50 50 50 50
26 scout fee 12 12 12 12
27 Fee for Syllabus 50 50 50 50
28 Computation fee 30 30 30 30
29 Flag day fee 2 2 2 2
30 N.C.C.Fee 10 10 10 10
31 General maintenance fee 50 50 50 50
32 College Garden maintenance fee 10 10 10 10
33 Electricity maintenance fee 100 100 100 100
34 Red Cross fee 10 10 10 10
35 Migration fee 0 0 0 20
36 CDC Fund 10 10 10 10
37 Celebration/ Observation of important days 100 100 100 100
38 NSS Fee 10 10 10 10
39 College Development fund 2600 1300 2600 2600
40 Honours Admission fee 500 500 500 500
41 Seminar Fee 230 230 230 230
TOTAL 6005 4573 5873 6025

Fee Structure +2 Arts

1 Admission fee 8 8 8
2 T.Fee For June 2017 to 2018 96 0 0
3 Building fund/ Furniture 200 200 200
4 Library Fee 50 50 50
5 P.B.F.June 2017 to may 2018 36 36 36
6 Abstract of attendance/ correspondence 70 70 70
7 Regd. Fee for new entrant 50 50 50
8 College Exam. Fee 50 50 50
9 Annual Exam. Fee for +2 1st yr.Students only 50 50 50
10 Calendar,Magazine & Library Catalogue 100 100 100
11 Recognition & Aff. For new entrant 50 50 50
12 Athlete fund 50 50 50
13 Sports fee 70 70 70
14 Dramatic Fund 15 15 15
15 Common Room fee 10 10 10
16 Students Aid Fund 50 50 50
17 D.S.A. 10 10 10
18 S.S.G. 10 10 10
19 Identity Card fee 60 60 60
20 Odia Sahitya Sansad 10 10 10
21 Cultural Function 50 50 50
22 Proctorial fee 10 10 10
23 Teachers Welfare fund 50 50 50
24 Fee for Time Table 10 10 10
25 Fees for maintanance of record for nv.Edn 10 10 10
26 Students Sefty Insurance 4 4 4
27 Field Development 50 50 50
28 Scout Fee 12 12 12
29 Fee for Syllabus 35 35 35
30 CHSE Academic fee ( +2 1st year only) 45 45 45
31 Flag Day fee 3 3 3
32 NCC fee 10 10 10
33 General maintenance fee 50 50 50
34 College Garden maintenance 10 10 10
35 Electricity maintenance fee 100 100 100
36 Academic fee 45 45 45
37 EMH fee 150 150 150
38 Red Cross fee 10 10 10
39 Celebration /observation of important days 100 100 100
40 NSS fee 10 10 10
41 College Development fund 2600 1300 2600
TOTAL 4409 3013 4313
42 Migration fee for other Board Students 20 20 20
1 Adm.Fee 8 8 8
2 T.FEE. 96 0 0
3 Dev.Fee. 2600 1300 2600
4 Session Charge 1705 1705 1705
5 TOTAL 4409 3013 4313
6 Migration fee for other Board Students 20 20 20

Fee Structure +2 Science

1 Admission fee 9 9 9
2 T.Fee For June 2017 to 2018 108 0 0
3 Building fund/ Furniture 200 200 200
4 Library Fee 50 50 50
5 P.B.F.June 2017 to may 2018 36 36 36
6 Abstract of attendance/ correspondence 70 70 70
7 Regd. Fee for new entrant 50 50 50
8 College Exam. Fee 50 50 50
9 Annual Exam. Fee for +2 1st yr.Students only 100 100 100
10 Calendar,Magazine & Library Catalogue 100 100 100
11 Recognition & Aff. For new entrant 50 50 50
12 Athlete fund 50 50 50
13 Sports fee 70 70 70
14 Dramatic Fund 15 15 15
15 Common Room fee 10 10 10
16 Students Aid Fund 50 50 50
17 D.S.A. 30 30 30
18 S.S.G. 10 10 10
19 Identity Card fee 60 60 60
20 Lab fee for practial subjects 200 200 200
21 Lab Caution money 100 100 100
22 Science Society &Science Exhibition 50 50 50
23 Odia Sahitya Sansad 10 10 10
24 Cultural Function 50 50 50
25 Proctorial fee 10 10 10
26 Teachers Welfare fund 50 50 50
27 Fee for Time Table 10 10 10
28 Fees for maintanance of record for nv.Edn 10 10 10
29 Students Sefty Insurance 4 4 4
30 Field Development 50 50 50
31 Scout Fee 12 12 12
32 Fee for Syllabus 35 35 35
33 CHSE Academic fee ( +2 1st year only) 45 45 45
34 Flag Day fee 3 3 3
35 NCC fee 10 10 10
36 General maintenance fee 50 50 50
37 College Garden maintenance 10 10 10
38 Electricity maintenance fee 100 100 100
39 Academic fee 45 45 45
40 EMH fee 150 150 150
41 Red Cross fee 10 10 10
42 Celebration /observation of important days 100 100 100
43 NSS fee 10 10 10
44 College Development fund 3600 1800 3600
TOTAL 5842 3934 5734
1 Adm.Fee 9 9 9
2 T.FEE. 108 0 0
3 Dev.Fee. 3600 1800 3600
4 Session Charge 2125 2125 2125
5 TOTAL 5842 3934 5734
6 Migration fee for other Board Students 20 20 20

Fee Structure +2 Commerce

1 Admission fee 8 8 8
2 T.Fee For June 2017 to 2018 96 0 0
3 Building fund/ Furniture 200 200 200
4 Library Fee 50 50 50
5 P.B.F.June 2017 to may 2018 36 36 36
6 Abstract of attendance/ correspondence 70 70 70
7 Regd. Fee for new entrant 50 50 50
8 College Exam. Fee 50 50 50
9 Annual Exam. Fee for +2 1st yr.Students only 50 50 50
10 Calendar,Magazine & Library Catalogue 100 100 100
11 Recognition & Aff. For new entrant 50 50 50
12 Athlete fund 50 50 50
13 Sports fee 70 70 70
14 Dramatic Fund 15 15 15
15 Common Room fee 10 10 10
16 Students Aid Fund 50 50 50
17 D.S.A. 10 10 10
18 S.S.G. 10 10 10
19 Identity Card fee 60 60 60
20 Commerce Society 50 50 50
21 Odia Sahitya Sansad 10 10 10
22 Cultural Function 50 50 50
23 Proctorial fee 10 10 10
24 Teachers Welfare fund 50 50 50
25 Fee for Time Table 10 10 10
26 Fees for maintanance of record for nv.Edn 10 10 10
27 Students Sefty Insurance 4 4 4
28 Field Development 50 50 50
29 Scout Fee 12 12 12
30 Fee for Syllabus 35 35 35
31 CHSE Academic fee ( +2 1st year only) 45 45 45
32 Flag Day fee 3 3 3
33 NCC fee 10 10 10
34 General maintenance fee 50 50 50
35 College Garden maintenance 10 10 10
36 Electricity maintenance fee 100 100 100
37 Academic fee 45 45 45
38 EMH fee 150 150 150
39 Red Cross fee 10 10 10
40 Celebration /observation of important days 100 100 100
41 NSS fee 10 10 10
42 College Development fund 2600 1300 2600
TOTAL 4459 3063 4363
Migration fee for other Board Students 20 20 20
1 Adm.Fee 8 8 8
2 T.FEE. 96 0 0
3 Dev.Fee. 2600 1300 2600
4 Session Charge 1755 1755 1755
TOTAL 4459 3063 4363
Migration fee for other Board Students 20 20 20